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Dillon Freeland


Hi my name is Dillon and I am the owner and driving force behind Heartwood Custom Flooring. I have been working in the hardwood flooring industry for 13 years, and in 2018 I started my fist flooring company, Freeland Hardwood Floors, in Denver Colorado. I loved living in Colorado and taking advantage of the beautiful open spaces there during my free time. But I decided to move back to Wisconsin, to be closer to the rest of my family, in 2021. 

After moving back to Wisconsin I worked for a large flooring distributor for 2 years as their assistant manager. While I enjoyed my time there, I really began to miss working with my hands every day and the satisfaction of seeing a project come together in front of me. And so out of that came the decision to create something new, where I can focus on my love of the craft, which leads us to where we are today with Heartwood Custom Flooring.

I'm currently living in Wauwatosa, WI with my fiancé Madeleine and our cat Fig. Outside of work I love spending time with my family, hunting for morel mushrooms in the spring, playing board games with friends, and traveling near and far whenever the opportunity arises! 

Meet The Owner: Meet the Team
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